Sunday, June 28, 2009

Back in the Hospital

It's 2:15am and we are at the hospital. After sleeping most of this afternoon, Lila woke up really struggling. We did the whole protocol - breathing treatments, call the pediatrician, come to the ER, see doctors and nurses and respiratory therapists, get admitted and transported up to the good old 5th floor (our second home), talk to the nurse, talk to two doctors up here until finally in the wee hours, I can maybe get some rest. So I'm going to try to until they come back in for vital signs and breathing treatments.

My head hurts. My stomach really hurts. But Lila's finally asleep. Her oxygen is at 96, which I will take. But I am so tired right now that it's hard to imagine that I will ever feel well rested again. Samantha cried tonight when I told her I was taking Lila in. Poor Ben has a lot to manage tomorrow.

Right now I want all my family to be safe and healthy and I want to sleep for a few days. This was supposed to be our first night at Chautauqua had we gone. Tomorrow morning, there in the outdoor amphitheater, voices will be raised, accompanied by a giant organ, to, "Holy, Holy, Holy." I will miss it. Instead I am sharing a hospital bed with my daughter trying to hold on to hope, find the positive, and not cry too much about all the things it feels like I am losing in the midst of this time.


  1. Lila is a trooper and she will come through this as she usually does. It all seems so unfair to you, Ben, Samantha, and especially Lila. All of this is so hard but through your love for each other and God's guiding hand you all will be stronger when Lila is breathing easier and at 96 O two level it sounds like it will be soon. Love you, MiMi

  2. Still praying daily for that cure/successful treatment in Denver. So sorry that all of you are having to go through this again. Lila is such a strong little girl when it comes to dealing with this--always fighting back. Know all of you are so tired with lack of sleep and the constant vigilance to keep her safe. Just know that even though we aren't close by that our prayers for each of you (and us) are. Love Aunt Sheri, Uncle Jay, and most of all Granddaddy
