Monday, June 15, 2009

Chugging Along

We have had a relatively uneventful few days. I can feel things slowly trying to get back to normal. More focus on work, church, housework, the farm, and less on breathing. Lila is doing much better. She is still up at night some, and although she's been able to play outside, she still can't really run. We don't know if that is because of her breathing or joint problems from the steroids. She still complains that her throat and upper chest hurt often.

I am so glad that we have come out of this bad, weeks long episode. I was starting to be afraid that she just wasn't going to get better. It is a concern of the doctors that it lasted so long - her overall trend has definitely been worsening. For now, she is doing better. Tired, but much improved. Which, I guess, describes how I feel too.

We are making plans to leave next week for NY to teach our classes (Ben teaching juggling, and me teaching two, maybe three, sections of a cheesemaking class) and when we return we will only have four days until we leave for Denver. We will be gone four and a half out of the next six weeks. It feels so huge.

As far as Denver, it is looking more like Ben might be staying with us the whole time. We received word that they might do surgery while we are there to see better how her lungs are doing. We both want him there for that, and we won't know when that will happen until we get there. Over $10,000 has generously and amazingly been donated. We will not be certain of the final cost until we get there; they still say at least $20,000 - if we are a little short, they will let us make payments. We have also received money for the trip which has been very wonderful as we weren't sure how we would afford it. And some kind, thoughtful anonymous person sent us gift certificates to be used for the girls for some little treats. Our church has been very supportive of the time that Ben will have to be away with all of this. We have truly felt blessed and lifted up by love.

For now, we will try and be organized and energized and prepare as best we can for this next time of being gone. While I can not overstate my gratitude, and I hope so much for answers that will end this all for Lila, I am dreading this trip. It will be difficult for Lila, and that is always tough to see, even when we know it is to help. I will keep updating frequently. Thanks for checking in and checking on us.

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