Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Lila and I both seem to be feeling better today. A wonderful friend and neighbor and all around terrific woman came yesterday and kidnapped my laundry pile and Samantha. I was too tired and too humbled and too grateful to protest. As soon as she left, Lila and I got into bed and took a two and a half hour nap. It helped us both.

Lila slept better last night too - only waking once for a breathing treatment. And today we went blueberry picking at a farm about two miles from our house. Lila was outside for several hours. She struggled a bit with wanting to run around and not being able to, but she was fairly active and her breathing stayed all right. I think we are really on the upswing of this longest and worst flare up. I could use a few weeks of normal before the big trip.

Lila (or maybe I should write Lilac since she abruptly announced tonight that she wants to be called that name always instead) fell asleep early. She was worn out, I'm sure, from being outside and still doing the work of recovering. But these are small steps in the right direction and they feel good.

It is hard to be on a roller coaster ride of better and worse and better and worse, but for the time being, I'm glad to be on the better side of things. I hope she keeps taking these small steps everyday until she feels normal again.

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