Tuesday, June 2, 2009


I am typing this through a haze that makes everything feel very distant. I'll just post a basic update and will try for more coherency tomorrow.

We went to the ER right after church Sunday morning after Lila passed out again. They admitted her and we are just getting home now, Tuesday evening.

We have no new information - although we had a wonderful doctor who is trying so hard to puzzle it out. Lila was a trooper - in a 24 hour period she had two different IV's and six "blood draws" (as she calls them). She is terrified and traumatized by those things as well as by EKG and Holter Monitor stickers that go on her chest which she had several times. There were lots of tears but she was so brave.

She also had a chest CT scan which required her to be sedated. I did NOT do well with that. I couldn't be in there - it was too much for me. Thank God (in all kinds of ways) for Ben who was solid and comforting for her, and for me.

Her breathing when she is active is worsening. The doctors continue to wonder if there is STILL something in the house bothering her mostly because she was better at night in the hospital. There is so much speculation and no answers. We continue to hear positive responses about going to Denver and the help it might give us. I really, really hope so.

I will update with more news tomorrow. Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts.


  1. Kristen & Ben--

    I read your updates and I am so incredibly sad and frustrated on your behalf. Kristen, I've told you before, and I'm telling you again: you are so strong and you are being so strong (you too, Ben)!! I hope that posting these updates will be cathartic for you, and that you can see in black and white how many people are thinking of and praying for you all! Hang in there, rest when you can, and enjoy those "pea" moments when they come!!


  2. Hi Kristin,

    I actually saw your post about coming to Denver on mothering.com and clicked on your blog link. I am so sorry for all you are going through. If you need someone to visit with in Denver while you are here I and my two girls would be happy to oblige. My daughter has asthma and severe allergies and actually goes to school at National Jewish. We would love to take you to the museum of nature and science. We have a membership and can get 7 people in at once. You can email me at creativebeth@gmail.com.

    Best of luck,
