Wednesday, July 15, 2009

We've learned so much today. We've learned more about Lila's lungs and allergies in two days here than in two years before. We have great docs in KY - it's just that these people are THE experts. We have numerous ideas and paths to investigate. Today we met with the pulmonologist and Lila had her ph probe. That was awful. Tears were shed by us both. But we got through. She's in the hospital again tonight but Ben is going to stay with her. Tomorrow - blood work, allergy testing, kiddie exercise stress test, more doctors, breathing work - plus classes for me and Ben and art therapy for Lila.

I continue to be amazed at the people working here. They are not only so knowledgeable but so good and attentive to Lila. It is incredible. We also start another new medicine tonight. After hearing the doctors talk, I have very high hopes. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes!


  1. I think I finally figured out how to send you a message....I hope? Just wanted to let you know that we are continuing to pray for Lila and your family and from what I hear the people of our congregation have been sending gifts to the account, too. Prayers, blessings and traveling mercies be with you. Pastor Don-LaGrange Christian Church.

  2. Knowledge is so powerful and will make you & Ben feel a little more enabled to help Lila. Glad you are having an evening with Samantha-tough on her and know she picks up on your fears and concerns. She, too, will be okay because you never forget her feelings. YOu are good parents.Praying for new helpful info and that this new med gives Lila some added relief. So sorry that she has to go through anything that hurts or is uncomfortable but it sounds as if the medical staff is committed to making this an experience with some fun stuff along with the testing, observations, and input from everyone. It is so great that the Drs are trying to help you & Ben to know more and teach you how to better do what she needs. I think that horrid scared "I don't know what to do next" is one of the worst feelings for a parent to experience.
    LOVED the pics of the girls on the farm. Your Grandaddy got a big kick out of them, too. He is so looking forward to good news I keep him updated from your blog) and I know he wants to see Lila running around and breathing freely. Tell the girls that we have 9 little chicks (not babies anymore)and we have a pet black chicken named Miss Betty that roams free--tried to come in for supper with your grandad last night. It was funny. Our prayers continue as does our love. Your GCS family.
