Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She's out now. She's still asleep but came through all right. More later.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, dear Lord for this safe passage. I do hope this gives some answers for treatments. I can't imagine how scary this was for you & Ben. Yes, you can't protect them all the time--your Head learns this but you know what--your Heart never does. You are doing so good--many parents would have lost it long before now and you are still keeping yor girls first. It IS okay to have tears, fears, anger etc. Otherwise you will blow. Boiling emotions are like a pot with a lid and too much steam-you have to let a little bit out now and then or risk a complete explosion. This from the aunt who used to ride down Roosevelt Blvd. at 1:00am and scream out the window all the way home so I could hold it together for Jeff & Jody after their dad underwent chemo. Crying in the shower and pillow are other good forms. The frustrations are so difficult. Had a friend who said he used to "name every blade of grass" and "cut off their heads with the lawnmower" when he was undergoing treatments and another beat up her pillow. So see, we all have these feelings when there is an illness etc that WE can't control. Have to keep rememberin "let go & let God" but it's a lot harder to do than say. Love from all of us in GCS.
