Monday, July 20, 2009

be still my soul...

Today was a slower day and we got to leave the hospital around 3:00 which was nice. Lila did some breathing tests today. They gave us another piece of the puzzle, part of the pattern. We learned that right now, fairly healthy, she has a 25% reduction in lung capacity without her bronchodialator medicines. That is significant but pretty much what we would expect. It points us on a path though, and that is helpful.

Tomorrow is surgical procedure day. We have to be at the hospital at 6AM. They'll put in the IV, and sedate her. Once she is out, they'll take her and put a tube with a camera up her nose, down her throat, and into her lungs. They'll take a biopsy while they are there. It should take about an hour. It's pretty low risk and will tell us a lot. But, oh, it scares me. It twists my stomach in knots and the tears seem really close to the surface today. It's silly really. They do these often here but this is MY baby. It's a hard lesson to know that I can't protect her from everything. All parents have to learn that but somehow it never sunk into me. Maybe it still hasn't.

I'll send a quick update via phone in the morning when she is out of surgery and then write more later to say how it went. Please pray for her. And for the doctor to be careful and gentle. And for the answers this will give us. "Be still my soul, the Lord is on your side. Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain. Leave to thy God to order and provide; in every change He faithful will remain. "
I'm listening to this hymn a lot tonight.

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