Monday, July 13, 2009

Countdown!! Things are rolling along here. We worshiped yesterday at South Broadway Christian Church (DOC) and that was pleasant. There were several people there who were really friendly and understanding. The whole church looked like a castle which Samantha loved. Lila told Mark, the pastor, that his church was a castle and he was the king. He liked that. Samantha loved Sunday School and we look forward to returning next week.

After church we ate at the best Asian restaurant I have ever been in. And it was cheap! We came back to the house and got the girls to nap, hoping to get them on a better schedule.

Last night we picked up Ben's stepmother, Linda, from the airport. The girls love her and she will be another pair of hands to help us this week.

And tommorrow is the day. The last two days of settling in have been downright pleasant. But I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Lila is not either. And I really don't want to be away from Samantha so much who is feeling extra sensitive and needy right now. It's just hard. I am scared too about what if we somehow don't get answers. I'm just a jumble of worries about it all. But I continue to be grateful that we have made it this far and I am trying to let hope be strong. Thank you all for your emails and messages. Even if I haven't gotten back to you individually yet know that it's appreciated and that it really keeps me going. Blessings on you all. I'll let you know how tomorrow goes.

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