Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Day 4 of this stay, day 8 out of the last 10. I'm missing my life and my family. It's a real struggle right now and I really wouldn't be making it if it weren't for the things on the list below.

People keep asking me, thought, "Are you taking care of yourself?" How e
xactly does one do that in the hospital when one can't leave? Thanks to the love and care of friends and colleagues, I am being fed which is a blessing and one of the hardest things about being here. But how else? I'm trying. I really am. Guidance is welcomed.

Lila is definitely improving; it's just slow going. The Denver
docs were consulted yesterday and they were immensely reassuring. They feel like everything Lila is going through sounds really normal for her lungs. It just helped me to talk to them.

But it is still wearying. And the implications for what the future might hold feel pretty huge right now. And I really really want to be home. But we are making it. Day by day. Moment by moment.

Here's what this morning has held so far.

"Oh. What's for breakfast?"


"More yum!"

A lot of this.

A lot of this too.

And, the tv, our constant hospital companion.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. Hang in there. This won't last forever. Hugs, Amy
