Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Needing help is a hard place to be...

But here we are. We need help from anyone and everyone. We are trying to raise money to get Lila to Denver to see the specialists there. Here is the plan:
First - We have to raise $6,000 so that she can be assigned a date. If we can do that quickly then she will go the first or second week of July. We are trying to raise that money as quickly as we can.
Second - Once she has a date, the doctors will all consult and come up with an itinerary for her, including doctor time everyday and all the tests they want to run as well as meetings with specialists.
Third - Once they have that, they will know how much total it will cost. Then they will decide how much scholarship to give us, how much we can make payments on, and how much we will have to bring with us. We will post that and try to raise the rest.

This is so hard. We are telling all the people that we love that there is a need. And really there are two needs. One is money to get Lila the care she needs. And the second is support. We are so scared and so tired and we would love to read your comments and know that you are thinking of us. Samantha is struggling with all this attention on Lila. Lila, when I brushed her hair this morning lost two more big handfuls of her beautiful, curly hair because of the steroids. This has all been so hard on her. So we ask for your comments here, your prayers, and any other support you can give.

If you want to donate, here's how to do it. You can mail checks made out to Lilac Secaur to this address :
United Citizens Bank
PO Box 322
Port Royal, KY 40058


You can call (502) 947-5143 and ask about a direct transfer into her account.


You can mail it to our address which I will be glad to provide.

All money donated will be used to get Lila to Denver by paying the hospital. We will update weekly how this is going and we will continue to update how Lila is doing and if we get to go, we will update from Denver. For now, we ask for your prayers and love as we go through this tough time.


  1. Oh Secaurs!! I think of you often and had no idea you were going through this terrible, difficult time. Your family is strong and your community is wide, and we will get through this together. This morning on hearing the news I cried for Lila and for your pain. This afternoon, I am getting to work to help in any way I can. The Baby Moon community is at your disposal! We are working to raise money and want to know about your other needs. We will take it one step at a time. With much love, Anne

  2. So sorry to hear that things are no better. I'll get her on our prayer chain post haste! Love to you all,
    Jackie Rose

  3. very very sorry to hear that this angel is so sick1 i will keep you and your family in my thoughts so you can go to Denver. no one should have to ask for help when facing all this. Is there an airline that can afford the compassion for free tickets? Then you get to Denver will the specialist help with the cost im sure you medical bills are overwhelming my husband was in for stint in his heart and the bill was 64 thousand dollars. His insurance had not kicked in yet and so the cost was taken care of by an organization in that- non profit hospital. Hes is fine now but has diabetes ans a host of health problems, also i wanted to share that our little granddaughter has low muscle tone which make it hard for her to walk and talk , this fighter has been attending 4 therapies a week and her improvement is noted but the girl only two has been sick a lot and even though your case is very hard our has not been easy, if we can help you with a little bit of money we Will also i hope your community is there for you. Your friends and strangers that have a a way and can afford to help you. Good luck in Denver and please may they find the answer for your family can share some peace, thank you for sharing

  4. do not despair,ask and you shall receive, help is on the way, love Teresa

  5. Our prayers are with you, as is our love. Kelly (Kennedy) Bryson and family

    please call me at 724-816-511two
