Saturday, April 24, 2010

Checking In

I have no idea if anyone still checks in here, and why would you when I haven't posted in four months? But if anyone is, I wanted to update and continue my gratitude. Part of why I have not posted was I was waiting for the chance to be able to explain fully the really difficult thing that our family has been dealing with that I alluded to in my last post. But we are still in the midst of it, still shaken and struggling, although hopefully over the hump - and I will explain when it is over. Meanwhile, we continue to value your prayers for comfort, peace, and truth.
As for Lila:

She's doing great. We have had some dips in her asthma over the last months but NO visits to the hospital, and only a few to the doctor. It feels like our own little miracle. And we are learning better all the time how to care for her asthma and reflux so that it is much less difficult for all of us. Springtime was a rough time for her last year and we are seeing it this year as well. This year though, rough means one night of coughing and five breathing treatments; last year it meant passing out and hospital visits. It doesn't feel effortless to us and we continue to worry. But so far we are managing the her health in ways that we were not able to last year. We really credit Denver for that. They cared for her and educated us in ways that doctors and hospitals here did not or could not.

She runs. She plays. She laughs. She is the picture of happiness and health. She no longer has nightmares. It gives me such hope and peace to feel like this piece of our life, where breathing is a struggle and worry is our constant companion, is behind us.

We are grateful for all of you and your prayers. Leave a note if you can when you read this so that we know if folks would appreciate more updates. Peace and joy to you all.