Thursday, December 3, 2009

Shaken and Steadied

It’s been a little while since I’ve written, as I’m sure some of you noticed. I haven’t been sure what to write. In the midst of Lila still being sick we had something really, really difficult happen to our whole family. I can't talk about it more right now, although I hope to soon. But it was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through and has rocked our world. I didn't know how to post without posting about that event since it has been so foundation shaking for us. But I need to post. So many people have prayed and helped and journeyed with us, that you need to know how we are. So all I am going to say about this particular struggle is that we will be okay. Things feel good with our church (better now than in a while), Ben and I are holding strong together, and the girls are doing well. But we could use some extra prayers if you have any to spare.

Now to Lila. The reason why most of you are reading. Lila, after I wrote last, bounced back into the hospital one more time. She didn't really need to be in but she had a lips-turning-blue event. Her oxygen stats were okay afterward, but the doctor felt like she needed to be watched. So they watched. But she, I think, was at the tail end of this five week long spiral that was started with H1N1. So since then, which was ten days ago, we have watched her steadily improve. She's been playing outside again frequently; her peak flow numbers are much better (including a new high for her! yay for lung function!). The only sign that she has been sick is that she is still a little tired. She'll stop what she's doing every few hours and get her comfort things and find a place to cuddle down for ten or fifteen minutes. Then she's back at it. I feel more hope, more certainty really, watching her bounce back from this, that this was just a blip. That National Jewish really did make a huge difference and that we are back into normal life and routine. It feels good to have that feeling.

We are all healing as a family. We have drawn in together after this last bout and all our struggles. The holidays help that as well. I love this time of year. And I feel God's love, and our family's strength carrying us all through this and past this. Advent is a time for hope and expectation. I have both. In the darkness of the world, there is light. As the world rests and prepares for a new growing season, so do I. Really all I want for Christmas this year is having both my girls and the best husband I can imagine home with me and healthy. We have received so many gifts this year and I am celebrating them. We are blessed with a close community and a community so wide that we don't even know the extent of it, lifting us up. Thanks be to God. May your Advent be blessed.